Give Your Eyes a Break; Refrain From the Screen


In our generation today, we abuse our eyes by scrolling down too much on our phones and on double clicking on our social media accounts. Some people have the chance to rest their eyes for a bit but some people just have to continue working no matter how strained their eyes are. Eye strain is a symptom, not an eye...

Count Your Sleep No More; The Ways to a Quality Sleep


There are too many reasons why we can’t put our self to sleep no matter how tired we already are. Lack of sleep due to Insomnia may cause you to become easily irritated and it can drag you nearer to illnesses. Enough sleep can keep you healthy and can make you a hundred percent ready for tomorrow! If counting...

The Amazing Benefits of Vitamin C to Your Body


Vitamin C takes a very important role in our overall health. It needs to be maintained and it should not be neglected whenever our body feels like we lack this vitamin. Vitamin C is also known as ascorbic acid, which is essential for development, growth, and repair of all the cells and tissues in our body. It aids in...

Cancer Could Also Be a Lifestyle Disease; Always Be CANCERened


Based on scientific research the risk of having cancer actually depends on a combination of our genes, our environment and things to do with our lifestyle, which we are more able to control. Cancer is a cluster of diseases comprising irregular cell growth with the possibility to attack or feast to other parts of the body.When the DNA is...

Drink Soda Frequently and Experience These Threatening Health Risks


Soft drinks are the beverage choice for billions of people, but flavored and sugary drinks increase the risk of chronic conditions, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. The study shows that people who take flavored drinks regularly like 1 to 3 cans a day or even more, have a 30% greater risk of developing the type 2 diabetes compared to...

Take Advantage to a WATERific Life; It Doesn’t Cost a Penny


Throughout the years, dieters have been drinking a lot of water as their weight loss strategy. In fact, the old tradition "8 to 12 glasses a day" was nothing but more than a guideline. But do not put your bottled water or glass down just yet. We may not need eight to twelve glasses a day, but there are...

Drink More Tea; Notice How More You Will Be Healthy


Tea has been there since Centurenia, through years people have been drinking tea because of its benefits. Now, lots of research has given us a much better proof into how tea improves health. Real tea is acquired from a particular plant called Camellia sinensis and has four varieties such as green, black, white, and oolong. Most studies have focused...

This Autoimmune Condition Could Make Your Eyes Bulge


Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which your thyroid gland excretes an excessive amount of thyroid hormone called thyroxine (T4). Risk Factors -Female -Recent Pregnancy -Over age 60 -Family History -History of autoimmune disease Signs and Symptoms - Weight loss despite increased appetite - Nervousness, Anxiety or Irritability - Hand Tremors - Insomnia - Increased sensitivity to heat or heat intolerance - Increased perspiration or diaphoresis - Elevated or rapid heart beat - Increased activity...

Fear of Pain During Labor; Opt for Epidural Anesthesia


Epidural anesthesia is the most popular way of pain relief during labor. It is a regional anesthesia which blocks pain in a specific body region. The nerve impulses from the lower spinal segments are blocked which results in decreased sensation in the lower half of the body. What is the goal of an epidural anesthesia? To provide analgesia or pain relief...

See if You Have Parasite Infection By Checking These Common Symptoms


Having a parasite infestation in your body is a like a nightmare. Plenty of videos circulate the internet showing people with severe parasitic infection, and it is usually a horrifying and ugly sight. The fact of the matter is, having a parasite is more common than you think. It is a common misconception that parasites can only infest children and...