Head lice are very much common especially to preschoolers, school age and even to teenagers and early adults. They are parasites, wingless insects found on people’s head to feed themselves by sucking blood. An adult louse size can be compared to a sesame seed. The eggs are called nits and even smaller, can be compared as small as a knot in a thread. Lice and nits are usually found near the scalp, most often at the neck part and behind the ears. Lice outspread by close contact with an infested person, wearing infested clothing like hats, scarves, hair ribbon, and coats; using infested things like combs, towels, and brushes; lying on a bed, sofa, or pillow that has recently been in contact with a person with lice. However, having head lice doesn’t mean you have a poor hygiene. Remember that personal hygiene has nothing to do with it.

The following are the signs and symptoms of head lice infestation:

• Frequent itching
• A tickling feeling that there is something moving in your scalp or hair
• There are seen sores from scratching
Irritability and difficulty sleeping

It is very important to treat all family members in the house infested with lice for successful elimination. Medications are readily available as over the counter drugs or with doctor’s prescription with the following steps for treatment:

• Remove your clothes
• Apply the pediculicide medication directly to your scalp and hair
• Cover your head with a clean clothing
Comb hair after 8-12 hours to remove lice and nits
• After 12 hours of treatment and still, the lice are active, see your doctor for different medication.
• After the first treatment, remove lice and nits from hair every 2-3 days
• Retreat in 7-10 days
Recheck again after 2-3 weeks.

Eradication is always the ultimate goal. Always consult your physician for the treatment involving medications. If one medication doesn’t seem to work, do not add more than the prescribed amount, ask for another kind instead and never mix one from another.

Reference: http://www.medicinenet.com